
AI used in the labour market needs to be trustworthy and socially responsible.

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Welcome to BIAS

A four-year project that will empower the AI and Human Resources Management (HRM) community by addressing algorithmic biases and mitigating them.
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Artificial Intelligence is increasingly deployed in the labour market to recruit, train, and engage employees or monitor for infractions. Therefore, the BIAS project will investigate its use in this context. The project will also study how human and societal biases are potentially reproduced in Al-based systems and develop tools to identify and mitigate these biases.



Develop the Debiaser, a proof-of-concept for innovative technology based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Case Based Reasoning for an HR recruitment use case. The system will contain two modules: one for bias detection and another for bias mitigation
Gain a richly detailed understanding of bias in recruitment and HRM, which advances the field of worker studies and improves the capacity building activities in the area
Engage in robust stakeholder engagement and co-creation for the development of the Debiaser
Inform future trajectories of NLP and AI research with increased involvement of marginalised people/communities in the design, development, training, and deployment of AI
Empower the AI and HRM community to develop better technology and institute better practices, as well as raise awareness about the importance of addressing algorithmic bias
Make hiring practices less biased and more equal and fair



Through an interdisciplinary research strategy, consisting of

Needs analysis, stakeholder involvement, and co-creation (through National Labs, surveys, interviews and workshops)
AI/NLP research and development
Ethnographic fieldwork

Combined with an impact strategy

Awareness raising and capacity building
BIAS modules available to the AI/NLP community
Pathway to a marketable product
Networking and clustering
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Key Players

Specific Platforms using AI systems to analyze data
New technologies developers
Public and private investors


Context setters

Policy makers at international level
Standardization organizations
Professional networks and platforms for both businesses and employees



Individual workers
Educators (secondary and higher education)
Citizen groups and advocacy organizations
Academics, researchers, and think tanks

Who are the
project members?